
Becoming a Member is easy!

Achieve your beauty goals effortlessly and affordably. Join our membErships and reward point system today .

Founders Membership

Exclusive deals and free monthly treatments

$99 Annual membership to first 50 members


Free Skin Analysis

Free quaterly Alma IQ skin analysis

Early bird Invitation

Early bird invitation to special events and promotions

Free Monthly Treatment

Choose a free monthly treatment Chemical peel vs UV light therapy

Special Favour

Prioritized booking 

Birthday Gift

$50 birthday gift card ( can be used towards any service)

Discounted Products

15% off all medical grade skin products.

Discounted Services

10% discount on all services excluding injectables

BOTOX Club Membership

For Consistent Care and special deals

Starting at $75 / month


Renewable Annually

Enjoy discounts with same price.! No price hike for the next year.

Reuse your Money

$75 towards all neurotoxins/ injectables

Discounted Products

10% off on all products.

Units per Visit

$10 a unit for any units over 25 units per visit

Rewards Program

Earn & Redeem you Rewards!

At Eclat we offer both Alle and Aspire reward program to fulfill everyone’s individual needs. Join the rewards program of your choice and start earning and redeeming your rewards today!

Allé Rewards

Earn and redeem points for a wide range of aesthetic treatments and services, including Botox, Juvederm, and more.

Aspire Rewards

Enjoy exclusive benefits and points for Dysport, Restylane, and other top-tier treatments.

Awesome Experience

I found the top notch services with cooperative staff and latest technologies.

Awesome Experience

I found the top notch services with cooperative staff and latest technologies.

Awesome Experience

I found the top notch services with cooperative staff and latest technologies.

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